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5 Ways To Scale Your Business Using Content Marketing

Drilling that “know, like, trust” factor into the hearts of your dream clients all boils down to one principle…

“Create a custom content strategy that speaks to the pain point of your dream clients”.

The goal is not for you to keep pursuing everyone “you feel” will buy from you. The goal is to attract and connect your dream clients to your brand.

You need your dream clients to recognize your brand and your offers are the transformations they need for their next-level goals.

Here are a few ways you can go about this;

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  1. Create your marketing persona:

This is more effective when you keep one person in mind while creating this.

  • Find out what concerns they currently have?
  • What tone will resound best with them?
  • And what other questions might they have about your topic?

This document will help you understand your target audience better. You speak to them directly instead of speaking to everyone. You make your dream clients feel more personal and more relatable.

Once you have these personas, keep them in mind every time you sit down to create your content.

PS: Pretend you’re writing directly to another person, and you’ll be much more successful with your content.

2. Focus on creating Evergreen content:

Not only does pushing out a high volume of posts make it difficult to keep up with your own strategy, but it’s also challenging to come up with authentic topics on a regular basis.

So when next you get the “how many times do I post question”

Know that the goal is to consistently publish quality and authentic content.

Get a notepad to dump all those creative ideas that come up every now and then, so you dont never get stuck.

Your business is unique to you, so is your content. Follow your own pace while you push yourself to move outside the box.

Alright, so what if everyone is talking about a particular topic?

Do you!

And if you must create content around that topic, make yours stand out. Picture how your dream clients would like to receive the message and you’ll be on the right track.

3. Make content optimization top priority:

That carefully created content isn’t meant to be consumed by you.

The goal is to organically attract and connect your dream clients using your content.

You stand a better chance of achieving this once you’re able to optimize the right keywords in your content.

Be sure to be intentional with using keywords in the page’s title and headers, optimize your file names and alt tags.

You don’t want to keep leaving money on the table by not utilizing your search engine optimization for your content.

4. Repurpose and Distribute your content! And do so consistently.

So with all of this great content in the pipeline, you only post on Instagram?

What happens to the rest of the amazing social media platforms your dream clients reside in?

Do you realize that your blog post is another great way of converting your dream clients?

Still can’t figure out what to do with your blog posts? Find out more!

Any plans for weekly email broadcast and monthly newsletter? Or you are still sleeping on your video series? How effectively have you tapped into ways people get to see and engage with your content?

You should check in with your team to make sure you are not sleeping on profitable opportunities.

You can create quality content consistently but, if no one engages with it, it’s as good as it doesn’t exist.

Your email blast and newsletter are important means of content distribution.

It’s imperative that you start building your emails lists as soon as possible, and have a plan about how to use your lists.

You’ll need an email service provider (ESP) like ConvertKit, Mailchimp, and Flodesk if you’re looking to nurture and convert your dream customers to paying customers.

While you build up your email list, you can promote your content both on social media (paid and unpaid) and via your email newsletter.

You can use this as a way to get your content bundled up and directly in front of your audience.

Lastly, consider setting up and automating your content marketing system.

5. Document and automate your content creation/marketing workflow:

Establishing your content creation process requires documenting not only the creation of the content, but also determining the approval process, and the promotion process.

According to Nathan Ellering of CoSchedule, you can shave 30–50% of extraneous work simply by documenting your process and improving the efficiency — which requires absolutely no sugar-coating.

As you document your content marketing workflow, you’ll find areas in the process that tend to drag you down.

“What’s your resistance point?” Chris asks. Find it and outsource it if you can afford to. That will give you more time to be creative.

Want to set your content marketing on autopilot, doing less and gaining more? You will need to embrace automation. Automate all the redundant tasks and save yourself, time, energy, and more.

Your scheduling software like later, planoly, and many more will help you in distributing your content across channels at your scheduled time.

Asides from designing amazing graphics canva now provide you the opportunity to publish your content across different channels directly.

Not sure about the software you currently use or need help with navigating your content marketing software? Click HERE

Want to attract, connect and convert your dream clients with your content?

Whether you’re in the early stages of creating a content marketing strategy or you just aren’t seeing the results you want, Teecee Business Solutions Ltd can help.

Our result-oriented team of digital content marketers and creators has years of experience creating personalized content marketing strategies for attracting, connecting, and converting specific audiences.

Contact us today to speak with a strategist about how you can improve your brand’s content marketing strategy.

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